The Transformative Role of Chatbots in Marketing

Chatbot-powered marketing is all about helping marketers with time-intensive tasks like consistent customer support, lead generation, and sales enhancement, allowing them to have leisure time for strategizing to meet their business objectives.


Robo-Advisors: The Next Phase of Fintech Evolution

The deployment of robo-advisors in fintech will offer effective financial advice and automate asset management, investments, and insurance claims processing.


How to Deal with Change and Uncertainty

Our workplaces are ever-evolving. Workplace changes are accelerating. Early January of 2019, I traveled to Mexico to facilitate a workshop for a group of executives. I shared the platform with seven presenters from around the globe. During lunch, the discussion revolved around rapid changes that take place globally in the business environment today and how hard every company works to prepare and adapt to the changes. Everyone everywhere wants to be ahead in the game. And it is necessary to remain at the top in this environment, you’ve got to go that extra mile and prepare ahead of time for the changes. However, what we fail to realize is that while all mechanisms are geared towards preparing for these changes outwardly, we are unprepared from within. And because of this, there is constant tension and fear that looms within us due to which your full potential isn’t seen at work. You really aren't giving your best despite the efforts and hard work that you put in.


Low Yield, No Yield, Negative Yield – Buy Now But Don’t Forget to Sell

·        The amount of negative yielding fixed securities has hit a new record ·        The Federal Reserve and the ECB are expected to resume easing of interest rates ·        Secondary market liquidity for many fixed income securities is dying ·        Outstanding debt is setting all-time highs


Model Tenancy Act 2019 - Landmark Event or Another Work in Progress?

Distorted property rights for lack of a sound rental policy, weak rental contract implementation and low rental yields prompt property vacancies Like RERA, the Model Tenancy Act, 2019 may lose its real purpose if states do not follow the basic guidelines and dilute them

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