Initiative Q: Gateway to Riches or Not?

If you clicked on this article, you have either already signed up for Initiative Q, or have received an invite to join this crazy, all pervading idea which claims that it can grow to trillions of dollars and become bigger than most economies. All you need is to do their bidding and invite your friends to the network.


The Desire for Certainty and Fit Kills Innovation

In the 1990s a group of developers at Microsoft came up with an innovative device for reading electronic books. At that time no such product existed as a commercial entity. The team was excited at the possibilities for this innovation and they sent the working prototype to Bill Gates. He rapidly rejected the idea. It did not fit in with the Microsoft business strategy and the product did not have the Windows look or feel. Microsoft missed the opportunity.  Amazon went on to develop a huge business based on e-books and the Kindle.


Find your Power Hour

By now you have probably given up on your new year's resolution to exercise more and lose weight. But, there is some good news.


A World of Debt – Where are the Risks?

Private debt has been the main source of rising debt to GDP ratios since 2008. Advanced economies have led the trend. Emerging market debt increases have been dominated by China. Credit spreads are a key indicator to watch in 2019.


Leadership Myths Modern Professionals Need to Know

It is critically important to know the truth. When we don’t know the truth, false ideas and beliefs take over. Before long, we start to believe something so far from reality it’s tough to come back. These fabrications can come from a variety of places; our parents, society, a crazy uncle, a former teacher or mentor, etc. While I’m not asking you to fact check everything you’ve ever been told, I don’t want an untruth to keep you from pursuing the most fulfilling thing a professional can do; leadership.  

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