What Modern Leaders Definitely Get Right

When you see a red light on the stove, you assume the stovetop is hot, and therefore, don't place your hand on it. In this case your assumption is correct and it protects you from harm. That’s because, we process information through filters that help us make decisions based on previous experiences and information. But making assumptions doesn’t always have positive outcomes. For example, if you start a new job and assume the day begins at 9am without asking anyone, you run the risk of being late.


Five Ways to Develop Effective Business Communication Skills

If you are an entrepreneur, you will always wish your business to run as smoothly as possible. Many a times, your key areas of focus would be skillsets like time-management and leadership. These skills are surely important but there is one skill that is underrated and is always overlooked and that skill is the skill of communication.


Demystifying Mandatory Energy Audits

Many countries have made energy audits mandatory, especially for larger consumers, as part of their energy efficiency policy. A home energy audit, also known as a home energy assessment, is the first step to assess how much energy your home consumes and to evaluate what measures you can take to make your home more energy efficient.


6 Things you Never Want to Hear Your Banker Say

Banking is changing forever. Organizations like Britannica, Blockbuster, Borders, and even Bank of America (hint: don’t start a business with ‘B’) all suffered from the same collective challenge. When your business is built around a specific distribution model, how can you adapt when that distribution model is no longer relevant?


Artificial Intelligence will Lead to Fewer Jobs. So What Should Businesses do about it?

I’ve been asked many times recently to comment on how the rise of AI will impact the jobs and the economy, particularly in customer service and contact centers. I’ve seen wildly differing forecasts, from the dire predictions of Elon Musk to the optimistic predictions of Accenture. According to Forrester’s recently released ‘The Future of Jobs’ report, robots will take 24.7 million jobs by 2027, but create 14.9 million new jobs in the same period. There is no doubt that AI will impact jobs globally more than any other technology in our lifetime. The key question is “what should we do about it?”

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