How Smart Manufacturers Get "Exotic Personalities" to Collaborate Nicely

A few months ago, I wrote an article about the dangers a company faces when one of its employees raves about Olive Garden. The issue isn’t that the Olive Garden lover is a problem employee — it’s that anyone tarred with the “Olive Garden lover” brush will unfairly get thrown under the bus when failures arise in a manufacturing company’s supply chain.


Demystifying China's Cybersecurity Law

By now, most are aware of The People’s Republic of China’s new Cybersecurity Law which took effect June 1, 2017, in efforts to improve national cybersecurity for the largest digital shopping and mobile/internet based financial service markets in the world. Intense discussions and debate continue within government offices, multinational businesses and human rights circles regarding the new law’s uncertainty and vague sets regulations. Enforcement of localization for foreign firms has been delayed until Dec 31 2018 to provide time for companies to prepare for compliance which will often include costly upgrades in efforts to meet tighter government scrutiny while still maintaining as much control as possible over intellectual property.  


Danger! Beware a Digital Chasm, Swallowing the Unaware

This is a red flag warning for those who think digital technology is something the IT department does! It is not; today digital technology is the purview of Boards and Senior Executives.


Republicans Without Principles: Roy Moore and the Tax Bill

The Republican National Committee (RNC) joined with Mitch McConnell and approximately 18 Republican Senators in urging Roy Moore to resign. They pulled campaign funding and took the moral high ground…until the Senate voted on the tax reform legislation and they discovered that they only had one vote to spare.


Obesity: Companies Love Misery?

An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine predicts the future prevalence of obesity among adults in the United States based on the current prevalence of childhood obesity, and simulation models incorporating prevailing patterns of weight change over time. The news is far from good. As stated succinctly by Reuters among the extensive media coverage, nearly 60% of American children are on track to be obese by age 35.

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