The Statute of Limitations on College Grades

As we move toward the end of the academic year for many colleges and universities, it is perhaps useful for students to be reminded that the final grade for any given course is quite unlikely to have a long-lasting influence on your life.


Are We Still in Need of Energy Economists?

Sometimes you have to provoke to draw attention to a subject! Now I seem to be tackling an institution established for long in the energy markets! Why is that?


What is Brexit?

Brexit is far more than the quirky name given to the UK’s decision to leave the EU. It will come to mean far more than it does now as the country’s first few years following departure as Britain adopts new political, economic and social attitudes.


Benefits of a Strong Brand Identity

In this highly competitive business world, it is important to have a strong brand identity in the market to distinguish yourself from your competitors. A strong brand gives your business a different personality and builds a better presence in the market to attract customers. 


Science and Medicine, Fools and Fanatics: The Fluidity of Woo

The American College of Preventive Medicine completed a project, with funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration, to advance the inclusion of so-called Integrative Medicine in Preventive Medicine residency programs. As a Preventive Medicine specialist, a former residency director, and both a practitioner of, and advocate for, responsibly plied Integrative Medicine, I was a logical choice for the leadership role ACPM proposed, and I accepted.

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