Why So Many Energy Suppliers?

Why So Many Energy Suppliers?

The liberalization of the energy markets, decided in Europe 20 years ago, was supposed to help develop competition.


If You're Going To Manage Others, Learn How To Have Conversations

Entrepreneurs and managers often consider themselves as ‘optimistic’ - someone who sees the glass as half-full instead of half-empty. Most of them seem to believe that they have mastered the art of finding a room for improvement in everything. However, the current scenario of communication in the workplace is a complete mess. It’s a big reality check for all those project managers and leaders who think that they are doing well, but in reality, they have no clue of what’s happening around them because there is no clear communication.


Time for Fiscal Rules?

Should governments set rules to constrain the size of government borrowing on an annual basis or government debt accumulated over time? Pierre Yared discusses the question in "Rising Government Debt: Causes and Solutions for a Decades-Old Trend," in the Spring 2019 issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives.


Ultra-Processed Food Makes Us Fat: Forewarned, But Not Forearmed

Ultraprocessed foods make us overeat, and get fat. Who knew? Well, the food industry almost certainly knew- and in principle, we knew that they knew. We were told. We were told fairly recently, and emphatically. But we were told before, too- nearly 15 years ago.


5 Signs It's Time to Develop Your Leadership Skills

We all look for signs that give us an indication that we're doing the right things. Children look to their parents for praise when they've done something well. Students anxiously await final grades to see if the work they put in added up. However, when it comes to leadership and knowing exactly how you are doing in the workplace, the signs tend to be less noticeable.

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