Blockchain Bamboo May Be Remaking Financial Markets

Mark Wang curls his upper lip in frustration. The six-year-old stares blankly at the mess of figures in front of him, painfully aware both mentally and physically over the seemingly insurmountable task of sorting them out.


Are you Overworking your People?

Are you the kind of boss who gets in at 7.30 am, works hard till 7 pm and expects all your staff to do the same? Are you finding it hard to recruit people who want to? Trust me when I tell you that this approach is not so good. There is considerable evidence that in office work, long hours do not lead to increased output. And there are negative consequences to overwork. People get burnt out. 


Protein: Everything You Think You Know is Wrong

Sequential, societal trends in which first dietary fat and then dietary carbohydrate were vilified during recent decades have left dietary protein under an implied halo. The resulting infatuation is naïve, over-simplified, misguided, and misleading. Other than that- it’s perfect.


US Companies to Prefer India over China

Since the Indian economy was opened up for foreign investment in the early 1990s, India is considered as a land of untapped business opportunities – this view has been consistently strengthened by progressive legal and business reforms embarked on by the central government. As a result, India has emerged as one of most favorable nations for foreign investors to invest in. 


The Death of the Two-Party System

If anyone had been asked five years ago to predict when the two-party system in the UK would end and what the catalyst would be it is doubtful that any serious analyst would have said 2019 and Brexit or whatever it would have been called back, then.

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