Establishing Clear Goals in Content Marketing

Establishing Clear Goals in Content Marketing

Novnish Ramesh 04/08/2020 4
Content Marketing: Why You Should Establish Clear Goals For Your Content ?

When you align content to your buyer’s journey, you can easily draw in visitors through your funnel and lead them towards an eventual purchase action.

But how do you check that each piece of content is doing its job at the correct stage ?

Does the content of your awareness stage help people explain their problems?

Do your consideration assets show the merits of your solution?

Are your decision pieces persuading prospects that your offer is better than your competitors?

This is why you need to set a goal for each piece of content.

Here are some goals that you can set:

✔️ 1. Acquisition: Attract new visitors
✔️ 2. Activation: Turn visitors into subscribers
✔️ 3. Education: Engage subscribers and keep them coming back
✔️ 4. Revenue: Persuade visitors to make a purchase
✔️ 5. Expansion: Encourage customers to upgrade
✔️ 6. Referral: Delight customers and turn them into evangelists

While activation and acquisition are often associated with the awareness stage, activation depending on the context could also fall into the consideration stage.

What's important here is that assigning goals to content gives you the ability to measure their effectiveness and optimize them.

What kind of goals do you assign? Let me know in the comments section.

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  • Max Becker

    I think thrice before writing a sentence. Everything that I do has a purpose.

  • Victoria Chamberlain

    Content marketing requires patience and a lot of hard work behind the scenes.

  • Joshua Newell

    Good stuff

  • Andrea Brandt

    Great one ! Cheers

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Novnish Ramesh

Marketing Expert

Novnish is a Content & Campaign Marketing Manager EMEA - helping companies and brands generate results with marketing activities. He is a passionate, cross-functional, creative and result driven marketing specialist with almost 8 years of marketing experience across product marketing, digital marketing, project management, content and campaigns. He believes that marketing activities should create value within the market and to the consumers using data, insights and innovative strategies.

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