What the Best Leaders Do Before They Let Someone Go

What the Best Leaders Do Before They Let Someone Go

John Eades 07/05/2021 4
What the Best Leaders Do Before They Let Someone Go

If you have chosen a position that comes with the responsibility of leading people, you have wrestled with this question, "Is this person the right fit?" There are times when that examination is silent in your mind, or it's a full-fledged conversation with someone else for counsel.  

Unfortunately, the hard decisions around talent management are just part of the territory of leadership. Anyone involved in the talent management life cycle knows the three essential components; hiring, retaining and firing. 

Many phenomenal leaders have adopted the talent mantra "hire slow, fire fast," and for good reason. Getting the right people on the team is the most critical decision any leader makes.  

Getting the right people on the team is the most critical decision any leader makes.

When teams have the right people, leading is not only easier, it's more enjoyable. But even the best leaders who spend a substantial amount of time vetting potential candidates for skill and culture fit make mistakes.  

Other managers are hired or promoted into their role and they assume responsibility for team members they didn't choose or hire. This means their first two to four weeks are heavily focused on identifying whether they have the right team on the bus.  

For any manager that finds themselves in one of these positions or has recently asked the question, "Is this person the right fit?" It's time to adopt the "45 Day Rule."  

The "45 Day Rule"

Time and feelings are funny things when paired together. In one moment, we can be sure of something, and just a few days later, we can feel the opposite way. Because of this, the "fire fast" mantra is a little too hasty for my liking.  

Instead, I coach leaders to leverage the "45 Day Rule." Here is how it works. Once you question whether someone is the right fit or in the right role, you set a date on your calendar 45 business days in the future. Then, on or before that date, a decision is made about their future employment.

The "45 Day Rule"

This approach provides the timeline and freedom to coach them up or move them out. 

Within the "45 Day Rule," commit to doing three key things:

1. Communicate the Truth 

I have written before, "all improvement starts with the truth." When it comes to talent-related decisions, communicating the truth is no different. Talented professionals deserve the truth when it comes to their future.

Now, there are different ways to communicate the thought or belief that this person might not be in the proper role. But, regardless of what you say, it should always start with something like this: "I care about you as a person, which means I care about your performance."

Opening up your conversation this way demonstrates that you are sharing the truth with them because you want them to be successful and are not judging them as a person but how they are performing.

2. Coach Them Daily

It's far common for managers who have mentally made up their minds that someone isn't an excellent fit to ignore them to help justify their upcoming decision. I can't stand this approach because it's the easy way out.  

There is no denying that fact some people won't work out. However, we owe it to ourselves and to them to do what's in our power to help them succeed. One of those things is coaching.  

The development of team members should always be a priority, and coaching them should be a daily habit. However, when a team member is within the "45 Day Rule", turning up the coaching dial is required.  

The development of team members should always be a priority, and coaching them should be a daily habit. 

Seek out opportunities to help develop their skills and be conscious of asking great coaching questions instead of just giving them answers.  

3. Provide Quality Feedback

Coaching and feedback are different things trying to achieve a similar result and both are important during the "45 Day Rule."

Here are some general differences between coaching and feedback:

3. Provide Quality Feedback

There is a simple and effective way that researchers call "Magical feedback" that I described in Building the Best and in a clip from a virtual keynote below:

The Exception to the Rule

With any rule, there is always an exception. If the person whom you would add to the "45 Day Rule" is; an energy vampire, hurts your culture, is a terrible personality fit, or has shown no desire to develop the skills required to do the job, there is no need to wait.  

The sooner you decide someone is a bad cultural fit, the less time and energy both parties waste.  


Deciding to retain someone or removing them to help them find a better fit someone where else isn't easy. But you are in your role for a reason and that's to make decisions like this. So have courage and use the "45 Day Rule" to help you make the best decision possible. 

About the Author: John Eades is the CEO of LearnLoft, a leadership development company helping executives and managers to lead their best. He was named one of LinkedIn’s Top Voices in Management & Workplace. John is also the author of Building the Best: 8 Proven Leadership Principles to Elevate Others to Success. You can follow him on Instagram @johngeades.

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  • Sam Bowman

    Firing during a pandemic is painful...

  • Hulk Samson

    Rotten apples can destroy the reputation of an organization, it's better to remove these people and bring other valuable persons to steady the ship.

  • Stuart Maddocks

    It's true no one is irreplaceable.

  • Diane Storc

    Nailed it !!!

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John Eades

Leadership Expert

John is the CEO of LearnLoft, author of, F.M.L. Standing Out & Being a Leader and host of the 'Follow My Lead' Podcast. He writes or has been featured on Inc.com, LinkedIn Pulse, TrainingIndustry.com, eLearningIndustry.com, CNBC Money, and more. John completed his education at the University of Maryland College. 

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