Dominic Monkhouse Leadership Expert

Dominic Monkhouse is a proven architect of business growth with a demonstrable track record. As managing director, he scaled two UK technology companies from zero revenue to £30 million in five years. Since 2014, Dominic has worked as a CEO and executive team coach, helping ambitious CEOs and their leadership teams reach their full potential and achieve sustainable growth. He is the host of “The Melting Pot with Dominic Monkhouse” where he talks with some extraordinary thought leaders, fellow business authors, and CEOs to absorb their wisdom. Dominic is the author of F**K PLAN B: How to scale your technology business faster and achieve plan A, an exciting blueprint for cultural change and business transformation.


How to Bring Values and Purpose to Life in your Business

Feeling a bit cynical about the idea of company values and purpose? Think they’re a load of corporate bullsh*t dreamt up by consultants who charge a fortune? That may be because you haven’t brought them to life in your business. It’s all very well deciding what they are. It’s a whole other ball game getting your staff to buy into them. You’re likely to face the same raised eye-brows and cynical shrugs of shoulders.


6 Surefire Ways to Build a Customer-Centric Business

Criticism. Sometimes it can be hard to take. It’s so easy to get defensive and try to blame everyone else. And yet, to be successful in business, you need to build a culture that actively seeks criticism and insight from customers. If you go looking for praise, you’ll find it. But it won’t take you anywhere. You won’t improve as a result of it.  


Listen to your Staff to Grow your Business

Scaling a business isn’t easy. It takes effort, dedication and a systematic approach. You need to adopt new ways of working, approaching these with consistency and repetition until they become habits. That’s why the Rockefeller checklist is so useful – it provides a blueprint for growth. 


Why Nailing Accountability is Essential to Growing your Business

Simple question. Does your business have the right people, doing the right things in the right way? It’s common for businesses that are growing rapidly to have a lack of clarity around who’s doing what. Important facets of the company get forgotten, with little or no ownership resulting in inefficiency and poor performance.  


5 Ways to Get Staff on Board with your Quarterly Theme

Be honest. Is your business stuck in an endless cycle of unfinished projects? Is energy being wasted by people going off in multiple directions with no clear focus? Feeling like you’re getting nowhere? You’re not alone. Most of the clients I work with are in the same position. They feel a bit like Sisyphus, forever rolling his boulder up that hill in Hades. They’re putting in loads of effort but not moving any further forwards. 

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