A Practical Road To Better Accessibility and Inclusion

In this article I hope to offer a practical 3-step way to address the topical issue of accessibility for all; particularly access to the technology and systems that are so integral to modern society. In truth what I will propose seems so obvious that I am concerned that I may have missed something.


How to Introduce a Communication Rhythm to Your Business

Rhythms are a natural part of life. We’re all familiar with the rhythm of nature, the regular cycle of the seasons, the continual movement of days into nights. Their consistency and predictability reassure us and provide a framework for our lives. Rhythm is also essential to teamwork, particularly in sports like rowing. Think of a successful crew. When they’re in sync, their oars dip in and out of the water at the same time and the boat skims along effortlessly. If even one team member loses this rhythm, the whole boat is thrown out of control.


5 Types of Big Data Security Issues

Companies need to be aware of big data security issues to avoid privacy risks and use the technology to its maximum potential.


Artificial Intelligence Based Parking Systems

There are too many vehicles and not enough parking spaces! Traffic congestion caused by irregular vehicle parking is an alarming problem. AI-based smart parking can help ease the process of finding a parking spot and also help manage parking spaces better.


Brexit & UFOs

Here is a little fun for what is otherwise a very stern week in the UK. It is something of a random thought, but has a serious edge too.

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