The Importance of Online Advertising

The advancement of the World Wide Web since the last ten years has completely changed the advertising landscape.


Discovering the Benefits of Synthetic Data

Although artificial intelligence (A)I is getting more advanced due to an exponential rate of development, limitations to this modern technology still exist. So, can synthetic data be the solution for all AI-related concerns?


Stop Saying you are Always Busy at Work - It's Damaging Your Career

How many people do you know are always complaining that they are too busy at work?

How Satellites Communicate With Earth and Each Other

How Satellites Communicate With Earth and Each Other

As of the beginning of 2019, nearly 5,000 satellites are orbiting our planet out of 8,300 objects launched into space since 1957. It takes careful planning and communication between these devices to keep them from crashing into one another, or back to the ground. How do satellites communicate with one another and how do they talk to home base here on Earth?


Debasing the Baseless - Modern Monetary Theory

·        Populist politicians are turning to Modern Monetary Theory  ·        Fiscal stimulus has not led to significant inflation during the last decade ·        MMT is too radical to be adopted in full but the allure of fiscal expansion is great ·        Asset markets will benefit over the medium-term

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