Internet of Things in Sports

The developments in the internet of things (IoT) are already building smart cities and governments. But, the presence of IoT in sports has led to the creation of innovative applications that would revolutionize the entire industry.


Internet of Things (IoT) : Myths and Facts

Any new technology involves a certain amount of uncertainty and business risk. In the case of the Internet of Things (IoT), however, many of the risks have been exaggerated or misrepresented. While the IoT vision will take years to mature fully, the building blocks to begin this process are already in place. Key hardware and software are either available today or under development; stakeholders need to address security and privacy concerns, and collaborate to implement the open standards that will make the IoT safe, secure, reliable and interoperable, and allow the delivery of secured services as seamlessly as possible. (Push Technology)


5 Ways Great Leaders Motivate Their Teams

It was 7PM on a Thursday, a few months ago. A part of me wanted to leave – to get back home, eat a nice dinner, play with my kids, talk to my wife, and lounge on my soft couch. Long hours, team members counting on you, and an increasing pressure to increase revenue will do that to you.


What is Your Diet ID?

Food is medicine- the best there is. But “medicine” is generally used to treat or manage something, and famously, we tend only to manage effectively what we measure. Thus, mean logic dictates the corollary: we should measure what matters. Yet, we almost never measure the one health variable that matters most. More on that shortly.


Trade Imbalances: US in Global Context

A substantial amount of the discussion of international trade issues starts from the premise that the United States has huge trade deficits and China has huge trade surpluses. But what if only half of that premise is true? Here are a couple of tables on trade balances that I've clipped out of the IMF's World Economic Outlook for April 2019. One shows national trade deficits and surpluses in dollars; the other shows them as a share of the nation's GDP. Of course, the 2019 figures are projections.

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