Kurt Cagle Tech Expert

Kurt is the founder and CEO of Semantical, LLC, a consulting company focusing on enterprise data hubs, metadata management, semantics, and NoSQL systems. He has developed large scale information and data governance strategies for Fortune 500 companies in the health care/insurance sector, media and entertainment, publishing, financial services and logistics arenas, as well as for government agencies in the defense and insurance sector (including the Affordable Care Act). Kurt holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. 


The Paradoxical Work Force

It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it's a depression when you lose yours, Harry S. Trumen. After several months where work seemed stalled on several fronts, things finally started to become busier again recently, enough so that I've had only minimal opportunities to update my LinkedIn posts. However, I've been thinking hard about the nature of work for a while now, and have come to some disturbing conclusions about what I think is happening structurally worldwide.


The Importance of Context

We live in the age of data. Around us, databases contain exobytes about us and the world that we live in. There is a sense, especially among managers and decision makers, that all of that data should be able to tell us something, especially after nearly a decade where "Big Data" as a meme has become one of the most marketed phrases on the planet.


The Week Without A Smartphone

We were running late. I'd stopped to pick up a co-worker for a trip from Seattle to Austin, TX, and he lived far enough out of town that the seemingly short distance to his house was marred by single lane roads, slow moving farm vehicles and the occasional heavy congestion point.

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