Naveen Joshi Tech Expert

Naveen is the Founder and CEO of Allerin, a software solutions provider that delivers innovative and agile solutions that enable to automate, inspire and impress. He is a seasoned professional with more than 20 years of experience, with extensive experience in customizing open source products for cost optimizations of large scale IT deployment. He is currently working on Internet of Things solutions with Big Data Analytics. Naveen completed his programming qualifications in various Indian institutes.

How Green AI Can Ensure Greater Environmental Sustainability In AI Training And Operation

How Green AI Can Ensure Greater Environmental Sustainability In AI Training And Operation

AI is a major contributor to global carbon emissions and rampant resource consumption.

The Unexplored Potential of Artificial Intelligence in B2B Operations

The Unexplored Potential of Artificial Intelligence in B2B Operations

AI’s list of incredible applications is used in nearly every sector.

Accelerate Your First AI Deployment with Pre-Trained Models

Accelerate Your First AI Deployment with Pre-Trained Models

Organizations are constantly looking to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) in their daily operations.

Why Countries Need A National AI Strategy

Why Countries Need A National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

The effects of new innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) and the advantages they bring to businesses, industries, and entire economies leading in AI research warrants the development of a comprehensive and well-informed national AI strategy.

3 Important Things to Know about Bitcoin & Blockchain

3 Important Things to Know about Bitcoin & Blockchain

Blockchain is a key mechanism for implementing a decentralized and distributed ledger of crypto-currency transactions including bitcoin.

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