Identifying the Risks of Immersive Technology

More and more developers in the world are building innovative applications for augmented reality (AR) technology. As is the case with every other digital technology, AR too, isn't free from its share of security issues. Addressing risks of AR is crucial before exploring more ambitious applications of the technology.


How to Use Visuals to Make your e-Courses More Effective

Visual information is one of the best ways for our brains to process and retain information. Think about the various social media platforms that you visit. Which ones are your favourites? Which ones are more popular? Instagram and Pinterest are quickly becoming more popular than Facebook due to its entirely visual-based web design. This is also why Facebook posts with images get shared more than ones that don’t.

6 Agile Tips You Can’t Live Without

6 Agile Tips You Can’t Live Without

The Agile methodology was first created for software development projects, but it has since been implemented in other types of projects as well. I have seen the Agile methodology being used in product development and even smaller projects with great success.


Save the Whales, Reduce Atmospheric Carbon

When it comes to holding down the concentrations of atmospheric carbon, I'm willing to consider all sorts of possibilities, but I confess I had never considered whales. Ralph Chami, Thomas Cosimano, Connel Fullenkamp, and Sena Oztosun have written "Nature’s Solution to Climate Change: A strategy to protect whales can limit greenhouse gases and global warming" (Finance & Development, September 2019, related podcast is here).


Computer Vision for Autonomous Vehicles

The application of computer vision in autonomous cars can lead to the development of advanced vehicles that can spot obstacles and keep passengers safe.

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