Smart Cities – Seeing the Invisible and Doing the Impossible

The word “impossible” connotes something that cannot be done. But we all know the impossible isn’t completely out of reach. For centuries, humans have been achieving the so-called impossible by developing conceptual understanding and making visible that which we’ve been previously unable to conceive. When we develop this sort of understanding, previously unknown opportunities and solutions become clear — doing the impossible then becomes just a matter of commonsense problem-solving.


Femtech & What Women Can Expect From It

Femtech or Female technology is a term applied to a category technological tools that focus on women's health. This sector includes providing digital assistance to women regarding fertility solutions, pregnancy, period tracking, sexual wellness, and reproductive system health care.


Discover the Key Tips for Guest Blogging

Lets put the bitter facts first so as you chew or go further down, things become sweeter. If you think you are in business for over 3 months and have still not managed to bag 250 visitors to your blog on a daily basis, it is time you should consider guest blogging. Simply put, you should write for other sites than spending time on your own, with the ultimate aim of getting visitors to your site.


Exploring the Benefits and Risks of Brain Computer Interface

Although continued research has led to the development of various applications of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology and its benefits in various fields, there are a few risks associated with brain computer interface, which can be a significant limitation to technological development.


How Blockchain Can Transform Tourism

Blockchain technology is poised to revolutionize the way we travel. The use of blockchain in tourism is going to provide a new experience altogether in the way we book travel tickets and hotel rooms, providing a seamless user experience.

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