The Paradise Papers - Revelation or Cover-Up ?

Today is the beginning of the upcoming media frenzy about the Paradise Papers that will reveal many more names of public individuals, public companies, politicians and many not-so-public individuals with a blatant disregard for tax laws.


Why You Need To Adopt On-The-Fly Modeling

To companies trying to compete and thrive in 2017 and beyond, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that the traditional budgeting process is providing less and less value. It’s taking sophisticated on-the-fly modeling (OTF) to better understand how your organization may look over the next month, quarter, and year.


Big Data in the Energy Industry

Despite lightening up our world, the energy industry is facing big challenges. Our world is made up of gadgets and appliances that constantly need to be powered up with some form of energy, be it electricity, petrol, cooking oil, or anything else. So, the production of energy never stops, and the requirement of more energy is unlikely to go down as well.


Tax Bill - Jobs For Tax Professionals

The bill introduced by Representative Brady of Texas yesterday has the “short title” (Section 1), “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”. It is the only thing about the bill that could be described as short.


A Tale of Two Central Banks: Diverging challenges for BoE and Fed

Earlier this week, the Bank of England raised interest rates for the first time in a decade, while the US Federal Reserve kept the fed funds rate unchanged. While the latter’s policy going forward is more likely to be an increase in interest rates, there is less surety about the latter.

  • 03/11/2017
  • 8
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