The Next Commodity Super-Cycle

Does the rising price of industrial metals herald the beginning of the next commodity super-cycle? Industrial Metals have been increasing sharply during the last quarter. Global economic growth remains muted but is accelerating in emerging markets. In addition, capital expenditure in the mining sector has been weak leading to supply constraints. A short-term cyclical recovery seems more likely than the beginning of a new super-cycle.

How to Relinquish Unrealistic Expectations of Your Manager

How to Relinquish Unrealistic Expectations of Your Manager

Unrealistic expectations cause problems and are exposed in a multitude of situations.


The Journey to Become a Trader

Being a trader is no easy feat. If you aspire to be a successful trader one day, you need to be willing to work very hard, develop useful skills and have solid mental fortitude.


Writing India's Growth Story

Karl Marx in his seminal work ‘Das Kapital’ talks about how the economic rise of any nation is dependent upon the quality of factors of production present. These include – technology, capital and labour (skill).


Introducing "Smile To Pay"

Smile to Pay is a concept developed by Alipay. It enables users to pay quickly their food consumption through a combination of facial scanning and mobile phone input. For the time being, Alipay is only offering the Smile to Pay option at the lone KPRO restaurant.

  • 03/09/2017
  • 5
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