Stories - Chapter 1

I am what some societies call an “illegitimate” child since I was conceived by an unmarried woman and an already married man. My childhood resembles one of Charles Dickens’ novels.


Tesla’s Rise To Greatness

Elon Musk’s new antidote for the gas guzzling automobile market, the Tesla Model 3, released its first 30 cars to close employees on Friday, in order to control for quality issues before its grand international release to the mass market in 2018.

  • 30/07/2017
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Whatsapp Has Reached 1.3 Billion Users

There are 7.5 billion people on this planet and WhatsApp says that 13.3% of them are using Whatsapp every day. The eight-year old messaging app reached the one billion active monthly user milestone a year ago, and now has 1.3 billion monthly active users, most of whom use it daily, according to the company.

  • 27/07/2017
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Google Keeps Minting Money

Alphabet, Google’s parent company, reported its second quarterly results, posting both higher revenue and profits than expected. Even with massive EU fine, Google keeps minting money.

Paradigm Shift in Learning

Paradigm Shift in Learning

Thomas Kuhn (1962) introduced the concept of a paradigm shift as a way to describe how a prevailing understanding in science is replaced with a new understanding in light of overwhelming evidence that the explanations currently being used to understand the world are no longer adequate.

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