How Artificial Intelligence and Fintech Can Work Together

Artificial intelligence (AI) in fintech firms will bring in a new series of opportunities, like personalized wealth management, automated customer support, intelligent financial assistance, fraud detection, accurate decision-making, and so much more.


Your Body Works? Why That’s Practically Miraculous

Your body works, at least reasonably- which means extraordinarily- well. I know, simply because you are reading this. To do so, you likely have eyes working normally (there may be a braille access, I suppose, and hope); you certainly have a high-powered brain working; you probably have a musculoskeletal system involved, notably hands; and you certainly have working heart, circulatory system, nervous system, liver, and more- or you wouldn’t be here at all.


Fintech is Reshaping the Banking World

At the Huawei Financial Services Industry (FSI) Summit in Shanghai this week, the biggest financial services players in China were showcased.

Is It Possible to Get Quality Treatment for Drug or Alcohol Addiction Without Health Insurance?

Is It Possible to Get Quality Treatment for Drug or Alcohol Addiction Without Health Insurance?

When struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, a person faces many challenges.


Cryptocurrencies & An Inflationary Tale

Hans Wagner shuddered whenever he was tasked by his mother to buy a loaf of bread at the local bakery in the tiny hamlet of Quedlinburg, Germany. Ever since the end of the Great War, inflation had run out of control across the Weimar Republic rendering the Reichsmark virtually worthless, meaning that something as simple as buying a loaf of bread could be a logistically challenging task.

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