Can We Trust Killer Robots?

The introduction of killer robots in the military has led to a heated debate about their potential applications and misuse.


Food Stamps: Evolution and Rising Take-up Rates

The number of people receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), perhaps better know as "food stamps," rose slowly in early 2000s, then leaped during the Great Recession, and now has been sagging lower for a few years, although remaining above pre-recession levels. Victor Oliveira gives a quick overview in "The Food Assistance Landscape:FY 2018 Annual Report" (US Department of Agriculture, April 2019)


Global Population Projections: Parameters Shaping the Future

Social scientists sometimes say that "demography is destiny," which never seemed quite right to me. Yes, demography has powerful and often underestimated effects. It constrains and shapes the options available to society. But society also makes decisions about how to react to demographic forces, too. In that spirit, here are some of the population constraints that will be shaping and constraining global politics and economics in the next few decades, from World Population Prospects 2019 done by demographers at the United Nations. In particular, I'm drawing here from the World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights report (June 2019).


Inflexion Point, July 2019

Welcome back to Inflexion Point, the monthly from the domains of Innovation, Creativity, and Strategy.


Some Naked Truth

Thought I'd share some thoughts after watching this video.

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