How to Sell Cloud Solutions

We all know that selling cloud solutions is different compared to other solutions because the pricing depends upon usage metrics such as bandwidth, storage etc. In other words, salespeople need to have an insight into the future behavior of their prospects. From a skill standpoint, the one selling cloud solution needs to have the ability to shift the customer organization’s IT budgets from CAPEX to OPEX. It is a challenge as well as a great opportunity for recurring revenue.


Tips to Create Engaging Video Content

Video content marketing has grown beyond limits as most businesses are switching to video content to reach the customers.


Applications of Virtual Reality in Recruitment

The deployment of virtual reality (VR) in recruitment will address several recruitment challenges such as finding suitable talent, interviewing candidates on a global scale, employee training, and many more.


Beyond Straightening Chairs

My first two weeks in my new role as Executive Vice President have been incredibly eye-opening. It's weird to be inhabiting an office that I used to walk clients to, water plants, and straighten chairs in. I have to admit that being a "badass EA" is a mere prerequisite for taking on as huge a responsibility as an EVP. Sure, 99.98% of the skills I attained after 27 years managing the administrative component of the C-suite and execs as a top performing Executive Assistant are seamlessly transferable and likely put me just that bit ahead of my new peer group, with soft skills and hard skills they simply don't have. But there's a whole different level of urgency and pressure to get it right in this role that I had not anticipated, with each decision and move I make having a direct effect on the business.


India to Get Over 65 Million Square Feet of New Mall Space by the end of 2022

Top 7 cities comprise 72% share while Tier 2 & 3 cities to see 18.2 mn sq. ft. of new supply; MMR, Delhi-NCR, Hyderabad & Bengaluru to see highest supply. Nearly two-thirds of total new supply (40 mn. sq. ft.) to hit the market by 2020. Indian retail sector attracted US$ 1.9 billion PE funds between Q1 2015 to Q1 2019 (over 60% inflows in 2017 & 2018). PropTech disrupting Indian retail space; may soon drive mall leasing apart from design, customer experience.

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