How to Reach for Greatness with Sabine Matharu

Sabine Matharu is an international bestselling author, online network community leader and one of the most enterprising business woman I have met in recent years. 


Tips, Rules and Ideas for Creating Logos for a Business

A logo is an integral part of the branding of a business. A logo which is made up of various elements of design and carries the name of your business forms the basis for all the other stuff like stationery, packaging and promotional messages. Your logo should thus reflect the true identity of your brand and be able to tell people what your business stands for. The creation of a good logo may seem to be a simple exercise but thought-provoking and great logo designs require a deep understanding of the company vision and persona, sound knowledge about the personas of your potential buyers or audience and a proper reflection of the various logo design guidelines.


On Giving & Receiving

In the giving, we find our self.


Tapping into the Potential of Internet of Things in Utilities

The introduction of the internet of things (IoT) in utilities will resolve multiple issues such as inaccuracy in collecting vital data and meeting the rising demand for a particular utility.


Keep Your Team Motivated With These 4 Pro Tips

At times, your team needs more than deadlines, perks, and increments. Do you know what it is? Your team members crave for a dose of motivation so that they can continue working in high spirits. For instance, most managers don’t even realise that they might be killing their team’s motivation by using a poor collaboration software.

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