
(Disclaimer: this article was sitting in my drafts folder for months. Too good to leave unpublished. Enjoy!)


How To Reduce or Eliminate Employee Turnover

Are you tired of hiring and training people just to have them leave a few months (or a year) later forcing you to start the process all over again? Are you concerned about the direct and indirect costs of employee turnover in your office, company or organisation? Did you know that one of the keys to employee longevity is easier than you think, and it has nothing to do with salary, benefits or vacation time?


The Forgotten Quintuple Aim

By now you have probably heard about the various aims of sick care innovation and entrepreneurship. We started with the triple aim. Improving the U.S. health care system requires simultaneous pursuit of three aims: improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations, and reducing per capita costs of health care.


Centralized Energy vs Decentralized Energy

Two worlds of energy seem to mix today: one linked to the centralized energy sources, some will say the old world and the one related to the decentralized energy sources, the same people will say the new world or the world of the new energy.


Negative Rates Have Damaged Banks

Different members of the ECB state that effects of monetary policy on banks’ profitability have been “broadly neutral”. Many also refer to papers defending that banks lend more under a negative rate scenario.

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