How to Avoid the FrankenCloud Monster

Are you afraid of so-called cloud applications that go bump in the night because they are fake? What about on-premise solutions that suck the blood out of your valuable engineering resources turning them into the walking dead trapped in a perpetual cycle of maintaining your system instead of developing new application features? The opportunity cost to a company is horrific. 


What's the ROI?

Bias is defined as prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. Prejudice is defined as preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Let that simmer for a bit.


Avoid the Dark Side of Quality Failure

There’s been a lot of talk about our Star Wars eBooks—maybe too much talk in my opinion. Look, we here at Arena don’t see ourselves as heroes. We’re just trying to create an all-in-one product development platform that enables innovative product companies to make great products, fast.


Why Intelligent Part Numbering Makes Kylo Ren Angry

Both Jedi and Sith blood flowed within the veins of Kylo Ren, causing the conflicted young man to suffer deep psychological torment. Unlike his emotionally restrained grandpapa Darth Vader, Ren’s shame-based anguish drove him to petulant temper tantrums and fits of rage. These violent outbursts usually followed news of costly product development errors that caused scrap, rework and shipping delays on the First Order’s new battle station.


Why On Premise Solutions Are a Bad, Bad Practice

When it comes to getting product lifecycle management (PLM) systems up and working, Solution Consultant Mark Andres has managed both on-premise ‘big box’ PLM as well as cloud PLM implementations. Having seen PLM from both sides of the fence, Andres — without prejudice or harsh interrogation methods — confesses willingly to preferring cloud-based PLM systems. “The benefits of cloud are overwhelming, especially from an IT support perspective,” says Andres.

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