Chatbots for Conversational Commerce

As consumers are getting increasingly involved in messaging apps, companies are now partnering with tech firms to increase user interaction through chatbots. This initiative has developed into a whole new domain called Conversational Commerce.


UK Facing Strong Headwinds

Can the EU affordto be tough over Ireland? 


Threats of Social Media Marketing

Marketing research is a big part of digital marketing. There is no doubt that it offers many opportunities for businesses to flourish online. However, there are many threats that come along with these opportunities.


5 Ways Corporate Blogging Helps You Stay Ahead

The advent of blogging has proven that firms have finally realised that marketing is more than a social activity. Being an active blogger pays in the social media era. Businesses that blog get 67% more leads than those that never blogged.


5 Big Ideas for Leadership in 2018 and Beyond

In 1988, Science fiction author Isaac Asimov predicted the internet and more importantly how many of us learn today. He said, “Through computers, we'd have access to "connected libraries," which would act as a "teacher in the form of access to the gathered knowledge of the human species." He went on to say, "Nowadays, what people call learning is forced on you. Everyone is forced to learn the same thing on the same day at the same speed in class. And everyone is different. For some, it goes too fast, for some too slow, for some in the wrong direction."

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