Why The IoT and Axe Throwing Are Similar

A couple of weeks ago, I did something fun and different. A group of friends and I went axe throwing at a place called Urban Axes in Philadelphia. It is pretty freaking cool and highly recommended. Set up in an old warehouse in Kensington, there are a bunch of lanes similar to a bowling alley but with chain link protective fences to cut down on decapitations. As we flung hatchets through the air towards a fixed point, my mind naturally drifted to finding comparisons with the Internet of Things (IoT).


Big Data in Healthcare Industry

In a previous article, we introduced Big Data, defined what is, its market presence, and its role in creating social good. Continuing along the same lines, we will talk about another field in which Big Data is playing a big role: The Healthcare industry.


Tips to Boost your Productivity at Work

Over the years, I have observed that there are some people who have time for everything – They do their work (really well and well on time), they have time for family and friends, they have time for their interests and hobbies out of work and they also have time for themselves. What really sets apart those who have time for everything and those who never seem to have time for anything is this - effective time management. In this article, I will be listing some very effective tips for time management at work. 


Why are we seeking brevity?

I had someone comment on an article of mine recently. The recommendation was brevity-for a post that was designed to be an ultimate guide to writing on LinkedIn with near 100 ideas on how to write better.

  • 27/12/2017
  • 7

The Importance of Context

We live in the age of data. Around us, databases contain exobytes about us and the world that we live in. There is a sense, especially among managers and decision makers, that all of that data should be able to tell us something, especially after nearly a decade where "Big Data" as a meme has become one of the most marketed phrases on the planet.

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