David Katz Healthcare Expert

David L. Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, FACLM, is the Founding Director (1998) of Yale University’s Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, and former President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. He has published roughly 200 scientific articles and textbook chapters, and 15 books to date, including multiple editions of leading textbooks in both preventive medicine, and nutrition. He has made important contributions in the areas of lifestyle interventions for health promotion; nutrient profiling; behavior modification; holistic care; and evidence-based medicine. David earned his BA degree from Dartmouth College (1984); his MD from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1988); and his MPH from the Yale University School of Public Health (1993). He completed sequential residency training in Internal Medicine, and Preventive Medicine/Public Health. He is a two-time diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine, and a board-certified specialist in Preventive Medicine/Public Health. He has received two Honorary Doctorates.

Simply Having an Omicron Christmastime

Simply Having an Omicron Christmastime

Friends- I really don’t want to be writing about COVID at Christmas. Traditionally this time of year, I am aiming at inspiration and aspiration, not exasperation.

COVID, Vaccines, and Your Heart

COVID, Vaccines, and Your Heart

As may have come to your attention by now, a very large study in England- of nearly 40 million people- examined and compared the cardiovascular complications of various COVID19 vaccines, and the infection itself. 

The Imperatives of Diet Now: Is “Should” On The Menu?

The Imperatives of Diet Now: Is “Should” On The Menu?

Poor diet quality is the leading predictor of morbidity (i.e., chronic disease) and mortality (i.e., dying prematurely) in the modern world. 

COVID, Omicron, and Boosters in a Blind Spot

COVID, Omicron, and Boosters in a Blind Spot

Here we are, a week later, and the critical deficit in what we know about the Omicron variant remains: does it make people sick?

The Omicron Variant: What Matters Most Is Does It Make People Sick?

The Omicron Variant: What Matters Most Is Does It Make People Sick?

I was well on my weekly way to completing a column, when the disquieting news about the Omicron variant in South Africa broke. 

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