Karthik Nagendra Digital Expert

Karthik is the Co-Founder of Pink Ladder and Founder & Director of ThoughtStarters. He has over a decade of experience in branding, communication strategy, executive communication & thought leadership marketing, human resource and operations management. He has been instrumental in creating many award winning programs for leading brands like MeritTrac-India's largest Skills Assessment Company, Wipro Technologies and Accenture. He has worked closely with leading universities, industry bodies, analysts and research firms globally and acted as a catalyst in providing best practices and insights to customers across sectors. He has authored papers & articles in international journals & has been a guest speaker at many Ivy League Universities globally. He is a serial entrepreneur, always on the look out for the next big idea! Karthik has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Bangalore University and an MBA in Marketing & Finance from IIPM Bangalore.


Technology and Content Marketing

Personalized marketing or one to one marketing has taken the world by storm, and hyper-personalization is now the expected, even demanded norm, especially by millennia and generation Z.


Three Content Marketing Predictions For 2018

From being just a buzzword in 2011, content marketing has become the number one priority for the marketing department in 2017 and accounts for 26% of a marketers' entire budget.


A Universal Basic Allowance for all Moms

I was in mumbai recently attending the #ETwomensforum where we had industry experts, thought leaders, inspiring women share their perspectives on what it takes to make a real change to #genderequality at the work place and thereby create a sustained pool of #womenleaders who can become CXOs in the future in their respective organizations.


5 Ways Corporate Blogging Helps You Stay Ahead

The advent of blogging has proven that firms have finally realised that marketing is more than a social activity. Being an active blogger pays in the social media era. Businesses that blog get 67% more leads than those that never blogged.


Gender Diversity in the Workplace

A recent research by Pink Ladder shows that over 90% women professionals in India aspire to become CXOs but in reality, that number stands at a meagre 1.5%! Focusing on diversity in the workplace that really works, is the need of the hour to build a more gender equal workplace.

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