Dear Healthcare Professional, Don’t Take It Personal

Dear Healthcare Professional, Don’t Take It Personal

Being a healthcare provider is really hard. Here’s one way to make it easier. Being a healthcare provider means it’s highly likely that the people we take care of on a daily basis are sick.

Whether you’re a pharmacist (like me), nurse, physician, or physical therapist, you’re likely in the same boat. In addition to dealing with patients, if you’re at a large institution like at a hospital, you’re likely working amongst other healthcare providers as well. And these healthcare providers are each dealing with their own patients.

Why am I pointing this out? Pretty obvious right?

What I’m hoping you’re starting to realize here is that when you work in healthcare, everyone you’re dealing with on a day-to-day basis likely has something going on. Your patient picking up their metformin prescription may have just received the news of a new diagnosis of diabetes.

Your attending may have just had to deliver some terrible news to one of their patient’s family. Point is, everyone’s got something going on, and sometimes they’re in a rough place. So the next time you have a problematic patient, or a colleague that seems like he/she is acting like a jerk, don’t take it personal.

Yes, sometimes that person just sucks, I get it. But try to think about what they may be going through. Their interaction with you may have nothing to do with you, but it may have been something that affected them six hours ago.

I always try to keep this in mind and it’s really helped me cope with the times I have rough interactions with other people at work. Hopefully it could do the same for you.

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  • Daniel West

    I think the best we can do for toxic people or angry customers - and for ourselves - is to leave them alone.

  • Emma Martins

    We do not have the power nor the right nor the responsibility to change others. The wisest course of action is to move on and detoxify difficult people from our lives.

  • Callum Maxwell

    Brillant !!!!!!

  • Danny Blackwell

    I used to be a passive, I think it's because you are pushed down so much you don't feel as if you have a voice.

  • Scott Yensen

    What about straight rude patients? People who insult you and put you down just so that they can feel better about themselves.

  • Naomi Crilly

    Finally I have found something useful on the internet

  • Rob Karrey

    You are helping me so much thank you

  • Heather Clark

    Thanks Richard, very useful information.

  • Ariel Smith

    Good stuff

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Richard Waithe, PharmD

Healthcare Expert

Dr. Richard is the Founder of MedVize, a personal medication management company and is the host of Rx Radio, a podcast dedicated the pharmacy profession. He is a pharmacist who is committed to helping individuals better manage their health and medications. He is passionate about advancing the profession of pharmacy with a focus on machine learning and blockchain technologies. His mission is to provide people with understandable knowledge to best manage their health while ensuring their medications are convenient, affordable, safe, and effective. Dr. Richard holds a Doctorate of Pharmacy from the University of Florida, and fun fact, although living in sunny Miami, Florida, he loves snowboarding. 

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