Handling your "to do" list with a 100 year old technique

There are a number of strategies for getting things done. "To do lists" are the most popular.  In 1918, a highly respected productivity consultant named Ivy Lee described a method to increase efficiency and get things done. This 100 year old, step-wise method when done repeatedly, has been shown to produce large improvements in efficiency.


Internet of All Things

Dataism declares that the universe consists of data flows, and the value of any phenomenon or entity is determined by its contribution to the data processing.


Importance of Market Research in a Business Plan

Market research has always been a part of the key fundamental of setting up and smoothly running a business. Never ever has a business been able to succeed without conducting a thorough market research of their audience and products & services. 


The Dark Side of Japan’s Customer Service

The Japanese commitment to customer service is legendary, but it has a dark side as well. We Westerners are usually taken aback when we first encounter it, but it is something that most Japanese have simply grown to accept.


Global Disaster, Mobile Health IT and Blockchain Part 2

Part One of this Article focused on the underutilization of existing technologies to improve disaster relief in the field of healthcare. Now we turn to another relatively new technology that has already been applied to the personal health arena; although, there has been considerable discussion as to its merits generally and in healthcare in particular: blockchain.  And, for the record, blockchain will not be the only or last technological advance to infiltrate healthcare.

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