What Does it Mean to be a Junior or a Senior UX Professional?

It was the end of 1994 and fresh out of college, I was hired for my first UX role as a research consultant. I proudly started out in the workforce as a “human factors engineer.” In today’s parlance, I was neither doing human factors nor anything related to engineering, but the evolution of UX terminology is a story for another day.


The 5 Business Lessons I learnt from the Zara Founder

I read an amazing write up about the world’s richest man – Amancio Ortega in the latest issue of the Economist, and was humbled to learn five critical lessons from his story:


The Importance of Optimising Your Strategic Planning Process

“Strategy is style of thinking, a conscious and deliberate process, an intensive implementation system, the science of insuring future success.” Pete Johnson


Alexa, How Far Are You Going with Customer Convenience?

“Alexa, order batteries.” “Hey Cortana, add milk to my grocery list!” “Okay Google, what are best deals at Walmart today?” While a substantial chunk of avant-garde tech-savvy consumers will have already smelled out what’s been cooking here, allow me explicate for my technology-challenged readers, somewhat like me.


Please, Stop Freaking Out About a Crypto Crash

Too much rhetoric isn't good for crypto. OK, so first off, despite what Jordan Belfort, Robert Schiller, Joseph Stiglitz and other so called financial gurus say, it is important to understand that they have a high chance of being right whatever they say.

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