Vartika Kashyap Digital Expert

Vartika is the Chief Marketing Officer at ProofHub. She has 6 Years experience in online digital marketing, brand optimization and SEO along with social media marketing and email marketing strategies. Vartika holds an MBA in Finance (Banking) & Marketing from the IBS Hyderabad.  


The Inspirational Story of J.K Rowling

I’m sure that most of you have heard of the Harry Potter series unless you’ve been living under a rock. However, I’m pretty sure that most of you might not have heard of J.K Rowling.


Leadership Requires Tough Decisions

Doing everything in your power to be a nice and friendly leader for your team? Well, here's the ugly truth: your team isn't going to like you all the time.


Don’t Settle for Mediocrity: Here’s Your Chance to Rise Above It

If you look around, you’d be amazed to see the number of people happily living a mediocre life. If you dare to look within, you might see yourself doing the same.


Don't Be Afraid To Take Risks

Let’s talk about risks.


Hire Top Talent, Then Get Out of Their Way

Nothing is more important than hiring the right people. Every single hiring you do comes with the power to impact the organisation in a big way. Great hires positively affect the work culture and bring new methods to innovate and grow. On the other hand, a single poor hiring decision can take the business to a downward spiral - costing the company on a much bigger level.

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