Carol Kinsey Goman Leadership Expert

Carol is an international keynote speaker at conferences, business organizations, government agencies, and universities. She addresses a variety of leadership issues, but specializes in helping leaders build their impact and influence skills for fostering collaboration, building trust, and projecting that illusive quality called "leadership presence." She is the author of "STAND OUT: How to Build Your Leadership Presence." and the creator of LinkedIn Learning's video course, "Body Language for Leaders." Carol completed her doctorate in the United States. She can be reached at

The Power of Smile in Business

The Power of Smile in Business

This article highlights the scientific studies that demonstrate the power of a smile.

The Power of Eye Contact

The Power of Eye Contact

Eye contact is a powerful force because it is connected with humans’ earliest survival patterns.

Leadership: Are You Visible?

Leadership: Are You Visible?

In a 2016 study, 240 senior leaders of a Silicon Valley technology company were asked to identify the most-critical factors for success at their level.

Do You Have Leadership Presence?

Do You Have Leadership Presence?

Leadership presence is a blending of attitudes, qualities, and behaviors that send all the right signals and makes you stand out from your peers.

Is Your Body Language Supporting or Sabotaging Your Leadership Presence?

Is Your Body Language Supporting or Sabotaging Your Leadership Presence?

When it comes to sabotaging or supporting your leadership presence, here's how it works: Your success at influencing others and projecting presence is strongly influenced by nonverbal factors including, your posture, your gestures, your facial expressions, your tone of voice, and your energy level. 

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