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5 years

A Lateral Idea in Retail - Turn the Shop Around

Consider the shopping experience for a housewife in the 1920s. She would go from one small store to another – meat from the butcher’s, bread from the bakery, fish from the fish monger, cans and vegetables from the grocer’s, household items from the hardware store and so on. At each shop she would have to queue behind other customers as the shopkeeper fetched each item the customer wanted from the shelves behind the counter. It was a long and costly experience.

5 years

How to Draft Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Digital marketing and social media marketing are interrelated. A business that needs to flourish in the online world needs to have a strong online presence, which can be achieved through digital marketing and social media marketing. Before getting into the specifications of social media’s marketing strategy, it’s important to be clear with how to draft a marketing strategy that leads your business to success.

5 years

The Secret of Change

When I was a therapist in private practice, specializing in short-term therapy for behavioral change, I wasn’t always successful in my attempts to help people whose doctors wanted them to stop smoking, whose spouses wanted them to lose weight, or whose managers wanted them to increase productivity.

5 years

7 Awful Things Leaders Do To Their Employees

We focus a lot on what leaders can do to improve, but we often forget to analyze our current actions and which behaviors we need to stop doing. Most likely, you aren’t an awful leader, but there are definitely some things you don’t want creeping into your relationships with your employees.

5 years

"We've Invested in 122 Unicorns"​ Tencent President Talks Investment

Below is my abridged translation of a short speech given by Tencent president Martin Lau at the Tencent Investment’s ‘Insight & Forecast Conference’ held in Beijing. The speech not only reveals some very impressive statistics on Tencent’s investment track record it also gives some insight into the organization’s overall investment philosophy. Finally, it provides some color regarding the wider market sentiment amongst startups and investors that China is entering a winter period.

5 years

Don't Program Artificial Intelligence, Let it Self-Play

In 1997 an IBM computer called Deep Blue famously defeated the world chess champion, Russian Gary Kasparov.

5 years

Why Bad Leaders Put Their Own Needs Before Others

We often display a natural tendency to put our own needs before others'...This isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. As Psychology Today's Lisa Firestone notes, "Maintaining a certain regard for ourselves and engaging in self-compassion and self-care are actually fundamental to creating a good life for ourselves and the people who matter most to us."