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5 years

Real Estate's Expectations from Modi 2.0's First Budget

With the Modi Government taking full charge, all sectors have pinned high hopes from the finance minister - who is already saddled with multiple issues including the slowing economy, liquidity crunch due to NBFC crisis, lack of job creation and rising NPAs, among others.

5 years

Unsold Luxury Housing Stock Declines 12% in 1 Year

The slowdown in Indian residential real estate over the last few years caused most high net-worth individuals (HNIs) to shun luxury housing and look at other investments within or outside real estate. However, ANAROCK’s latest study indicates that HNIs are now using the tail end of the slowdown in India’s luxury residential market to their advantage.

5 years

Is Indian Real Estate Still a Profitable Investment Asset Class?

Can other asset classes like mutual funds or equities or stocks outpace real estate in the long run?

5 years

RBI Cuts Key Lending Rate - But Will Real Estate Benefit?

As widely anticipated, RBI has once again reduced its key lending rate by 25 basis point.

5 years

Can South-Central Mumbai Handle its Luxury Oversupply?

Luxury housing in South-central Mumbai is rarely out of the news. Mumbai's legendary playing ground of Bollywood celebrities and high-flying business tycoons has been a constant magnet for HNIs and UHNIs from both within the city and beyond, and everyone from start-up founders to C-Suite professionals has an inherent yen to live here.

5 years

Unsold Housing Inventory Overhang Hits New Low of 30 Months in 2 Years

Top 7 cities' unsold inventory declines from 50 months in Q1 2017 to 30 months this quarter Unsold inventory in Delhi-NCR drops to 50% - from 90 months in Q1 2017 to 45 months in Q1 2019 Bangalore & Hyderabad’s current inventory levels at all-time low of 15 months each Pune’s unsold inventory at 28 months, followed by Chennai with 30 months; MMR & Kolkata with 35 months each Top 7 cities' cumulative unsold stock declines by 16% in 2 years - at 6.65 lakh units in Q1 2019

5 years

Tier 2 & 3 Cities the New Draws For Over 25% Real Estate Investors

The quintessential Indian's yen for investing in real estate continues. The latest data vouchsafes the visible return of investor sentiment for real estate, and the enthusiasm is not limited to traditional property hotspots of the big cities. ANAROCK's recent second edition of its Consumer Sentiment Survey confirms that investors are equally - if not more - upbeat on the prospects that India's Tier 2 & 3 cities offer.

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