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5 years

Why Fake It Until You Make It Doesn't Work

You’re nervous, uncertain, or insecure, and you need to project confidence. Why can’t you hide your nervousness and just fake it?

5 years

7 Things in Leadership That Require No Talent But Create Great Success

Oftentimes, we equate talent to what makes someone successful, leadership included.

5 years

4 Tips to Boost the Visibility of Your LinkedIn Company Page

LinkedIn, one of the most prominent professional networking channels, has grown rapidly since its inception in 2002. 

5 years

Life on Facebook

Last Friday, one participant asked me an interesting question.

5 years

Accidents are often Innovation Opportunities

An accident produces an unexpected set of circumstances and this can lead to opportunities for innovation.

5 years

What's the Big Deal with having Publicity?

The end result or return of any public relations effort is publicity.

5 years

5 Cautionary Tales From The Office Christmas Party

With this year's festive frolicking fully underway I thought I'd take the time to share a few scary stories about how the office Xmas bash can quickly descend into all manner of career limiting shenanigans.