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5 years

Bitcoin’s Highs and Lows: Where to Next?

Since the critical acclaim of Bitcoin and digital currencies in 2017, there has been a lot of talk about its future. Bitcoin was the first digital currency to attract mainstream attention, and after that, 2018 was less than glamorous, with the price plummeting.

5 years

The People You Should Lead For

I leaned back at my desk, stared up at the ceiling and I said out loud, “It should be this easy all of the time.” I knew everyone on the team was on the same page, a key team member acquired a new skill, and there had been an increase in performance against our leading KPI’s. It just felt as though everything I was doing as a leader was right. As I packed up my bag feeling pretty fantastic, I couldn't wait to get home to see my wife and play with my kids. 

5 years

India is set to Embrace Artificial Intelligence in a Big Way

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to natural intelligence (NI) which is displayed by humans and animals. AI is also known as machine intelligence.

5 years

Use Anticipation to Turn Disruption Into Opportunity

For the longest time, cable television was a miraculous technology that not everybody had in their homes, mostly because not everybody could afford it. Now, not everyone has it in their homes because YouTube TV, Sling TV, and other new, emerging technologies have disrupted the broadcast industry. So why didn’t Spectrum think of it first? Why did they become the disrupted and not the disruptor?

5 years

The Secret Of 21st Century Business Success Using Agility & Innovation

In my 20s I ran a top-flight strategy and innovation consultancy. My business partner and I, with our fast-growing team, worked with C-Suite executives from over one hundred Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 companies to help them grapple with the digital and disrupted world and innovate the business models of the future.

5 years

Inflexion Point, June 2019

Welcome back to Inflexion Point, the monthly on innovation, strategy and creativity.

5 years

Introducing the Rockefeller Habits

There’s a reason why I rate the Rockefeller Habits. I’ve seen first-hand the difference they make to businesses. It’s no exaggeration to say they changed my life.

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