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5 years

How to Stay Relevant at Work

Today I learnt about spatial programming which help build virtual reality games to run them on 5G networks. I also learned about machine learning techniques to develop speech recognition software for a personal assistant or a Bot. What I felt is that I am probably late by few quarters learning about it. But then I have to if I must stay relevant for the next ten years. I must keep updating myself.

5 years

5 Signs It's Time to Develop Your Leadership Skills

We all look for signs that give us an indication that we're doing the right things. Children look to their parents for praise when they've done something well. Students anxiously await final grades to see if the work they put in added up. However, when it comes to leadership and knowing exactly how you are doing in the workplace, the signs tend to be less noticeable.

5 years

7 Ways to Build Psychological Safety in your Business

Can I ask you one thing? Do all your staff feel able to speak their minds without any fear of judgement or ridicule? If the answer’s ‘yes’, then congrats. You’ve achieved the holy grail of business – a workplace with psychological safety at its heart. From my experience as a business coach though, the answer’s much more likely to be ‘no’.

5 years

5 Reasons Why Jamie Oliver's Restaurant Business Failed So Spectacularly

Was Jamie Olivers Italian restaurant chain always going to be a recipe for disaster? What is the naked truth behind this catastrophic failure from the naked chef? Well, according to experts (and me) he made 5 critical mistakes that were always going to make his business sink like a soufflé.

5 years

Marketers Must Learn to Anticipate Content Trends

Do you remember when MTV was the best way to get in front of the teen and young adult audience? Once mobile technology became popular, it didn’t take long for that age group to be on the move.

5 years

All You Need to Know About Visual Content Marketing

Like any other form of marketing, visual content marketing is on the rise. Visual content marketing is not only about amazing pictures in blog posts or colorful infographics but there is a lot more to it. It’s a powerful content marketing tool that incites the human mind to deliver information and tell the brand story in a more compelling way.

5 years

The Importance of Emoji Marketing in the Digital Era

Who would have imagined that one day emojis would be a part of digital marketing! They have taken the digital world by storm by changing the way we interact and express. In fact, 92% of Internet users use emojis in texts and conversations. In fact, it is the fastest growing language in the history of the UK!

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