More in Finance

3 years

5 Tips to Improve your Performance as a Stock Investor

The rise of zero-commission trading platforms, robo-advisors, and other technological advancements in the financial industry have democratized access to the financial markets for individuals from all across the world.

3 years

A Pinch of Bitcoin in Your Portfolio? Diversification May Necessitate an Investment in Bitcoin

A small dose of skepticism is a healthy quality. Skepticism keeps us from investing into scams or trusting a stranger with our children.

3 years

How Getting Cash Flow Right Will Help Your Business Grow

‘Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, cash is king.’ 

3 years

3 Reasons Why You May Need Term Life Insurance

We’re constantly thinking about the future – perhaps what we’re going to have for dinner, where we’re going on the weekend and where we want to go on our next holiday.

3 years

What To Look Out For Before Making a Long-Term Stock Investment

Stock investors have to make difficult decisions when choosing where to invest. 

3 years

Could DeFi be Crypto’s DeFining Moment?

Cryptocurrencies have long been derided for being a solution looking for a problem, but could decentralized finance or DeFi silence critics once and for all?

3 years

5 Monetization Strategies for Mobile Apps

Monetizing a mobile app is not complicated. It only requires few simple steps to follow.

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