Machine Learning: A Beginners Guide and Why is it Important for your Business

Over the last decade, machine learning has become one of the primary elements for businesses and our lives. We have an immense flow of data which multiplies indefinitely every second, giving us tons of information to work with. This gives us a good reason to believe that smart data analysis will become the next big tool in giving a hand to technological progress.


3 Lessons to Actually Reaching the Massive Goals We Set For Ourselves

There's a joke that some of you may have heard.


What is Success?

The other day I received a mail from the UK LinkedIn team asking, “Everybody has their own version of success; what’s yours?” They were inviting posts and comments that would be linked with #ThisIsSuccess.


The Emperor’s Healthy Climate

As I write this, children around the world- by the millions- are poised to skip school to protest our avarice, delusion, myopia, and irresponsibility, and demand action on climate change. As children speak their truth to the colossal failures of our power, we might all constructively recall that we were children once.


Will Merkel’s Green Plan Work?

A few months ago we commented that there will be no energy transition without competitiveness, and given the proposal of Germany to carry out another huge green plan, the European Union faces the opportunity to correct the mistakes made in the past with the wrong subsidies and policies. An opportunity to strengthen the economic fabric of the eurozone. However, the risks of repeating the same mistakes are not small.

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