Abhishek Prasad Tech Expert

Abhishek Prasad is the Director, Head of Digital Transformation at Aexonic Technologies. He has been a Management Consultant, with the first-hand experience of how technology can drive business change. Worked with Big Four accounting firm, he is experienced in advanced analytics and reporting within the professional services, Life Science, Utilities, and banking industries. Abhishek has consulted with multiple fortune 100 companies and startups, so understands the challenges faced by large enterprises and how technology can help them gain competitive advantage. He has been an SAP consultant and led multiple business transformation projects across the globe.


Blockchain and Distributed Ledger: Reinventing the Supply Chain

The supply chain sector is worth billions of dollars. With new technologies – blockchain and distributed ledger making their way in the tech field, the supply chain industry promises to be worth a lot more.


DOKChain : Healthcare-Enabled Implementation of the Blockchain

The blockchain technology is revising the way every sector works and is paving the path for new ideas to revolutionize every business.


How Can Blockchain Benefit Different Industries?

“Blockchain has the potential to leapfrog technology advancements in emerging markets, in both the public and private sectors. CIOs of end users can use this research to evaluate, plan for and adopt blockchain wherever it has the potential to support business, economic and social objectives.” - Gartner


How Blockchain & the Internet of Things Co-Exist

Blockchain and the internet of things (IoT) are two domains in the technology world that have stood out in 2019. While blockchain is unfolding a million of new opportunities by being associated with other technology or business sector, IoT is making news as well. With billions of smart devices making its way to the world, the spread of IoT is beyond imagination and so is the need of security for these devices.


Machine Learning: A Beginners Guide and Why is it Important for your Business

Over the last decade, machine learning has become one of the primary elements for businesses and our lives. We have an immense flow of data which multiplies indefinitely every second, giving us tons of information to work with. This gives us a good reason to believe that smart data analysis will become the next big tool in giving a hand to technological progress.


Public and Private Blockchain: Which Type is the Most Suitable for Your Business?

In order to leverage the power of the blockchain technology, it is important to know its two major network types to understand what they can bring to your organisation. Public and private blockchain have their own set of benefits which is why it is necessary to analyze them to choose the best one for your business.

Leveraging the Power of Machine Learning

Leveraging the Power of Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) has given a whole new meaning to data. It has, in all true sense, completely transformed the way we look at data and information. Even a minute detail can be very important for a business, and this is what this technology has made us realize. It has also become the foundation of various other new technologies and is supporting them to grow – Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots are the perfect examples.


Blockchain and The Manufacturing Industry

The Blockchain technology is largely associated with the financial sector but its distributed ledger functionalities can be extended to other industries as well. Its successful approach to security has made it a valuable asset to companies that are looking for technologies that help them maintain data securely.

What is SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS?

What is SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS?

  Cloud Computing has changed the way business is being done in the last decade. Every company has either moved or preparing itself to move to cloud. Even some of the biggest giants like SAP is focused on offering services on Cloud, Hana cloud Platform (HCP) is going to see a lot of change in 2018.


The Rise of Chatbots: Will They Replace Humans?

The use of Chatbots is continuously growing. Many organizations are trying to explore how chatbots can be leveraged to enhance customer experience.The escalation of chatbots began in early 2016, and since then tech giants have either created a platform to develop bots or made one for themselves. Gartner report suggests that by 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be handled by chatbots without any human intervention.


Introducing SAP Leonardo

SAP has launched its Leonardo platform as the new digital innovation system that delivers software and microservices, helping customers leverage technologies such as the IoT (internet of things), machine learning (machine learning), blockchain, and big data. Initially launched as a platform to support just the internet of things, SAP has tried to take it a notch above by bundling the latest technologies and services into a single intelligent platform.


The Evolution of Blockchain

Bitcoin and the first blockchain innovation came into existence for over a decade. They were created with the idea of providing an easier platform to transfer value between two parties, without the need of a third-party. Blockchain has been a revolutionary innovation ever since its inception widely used across multiple industries.


How to Successfully Manage an Offshore Team

Over years I have seen a lot of companies struggle to have a cultural fit with a remote team. The remote team could be an offshore or nearshore team in a vendor place or in its own subsidiary. I thought of writing this article to share some of the experiences, it is not a comprehensive list as I could write a book on it and still be left out with some of my thoughts.


Simple Steps To Turn Your Data Into A Competitive Advantage

Data has become an important asset for a company and can no longer be ignored. It can turn out to be one of the biggest competitive advantages for any business. Today, for every business decision, every goal, or every strategy, a strong data support is a necessity that gives the real picture of the actual situation. Running on assumptions can bring you no success, it needs proof – and a strong data can provide the same.


Blockchain in Agriculture: Few Use Cases

Blockchain has already proven its worth in multiple verticals across multiple industries. It all started with the banking and finance, and slowly entered other industries like healthcare, energy, and retail. Now agriculture and supply chain have also found their way to get disrupted by this technology.


Blockchain Use Cases

Blockchain has been one of the most talked about technologies recently. There is a lot of research happening to identify how it can help transform the way work is done currently in several industries. There is no doubt about the fact that blockchain holds a lot of power to disrupt the way we see things around us.

Smart Microgrids and some of its Benefits

Smart Microgrids and some of its Benefits

There has been an immense increase in the popularity and focus on renewable energy as the need to make an efficient energy management system becomes a necessity. A growing number of stakeholders are planning to invest in smart microgrids, as an approach to achieve grid modernization at a local level.


Things to Consider While Selecting an Outsourcing Destination

With a surge in the global economy, there has been tremendous growth in outsourcing business process.


Is Machine Learning making a Difference?

Machine Learning (ML) has given a whole new meaning to data. It has, in all true sense, completely transformed the way we look at data and information. Even a minute detail can be very important for a business, and this is what this technology has made us realize. It has also become the foundation of various other new technologies and is supporting them to grow – Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots are the perfect examples.

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