Artificial Intelligence Based Parking Systems

There are too many vehicles and not enough parking spaces! Traffic congestion caused by irregular vehicle parking is an alarming problem. AI-based smart parking can help ease the process of finding a parking spot and also help manage parking spaces better.


Brexit & UFOs

Here is a little fun for what is otherwise a very stern week in the UK. It is something of a random thought, but has a serious edge too.


It Was Never Really About Meat

Who’s the boss of you? My first response to the recent “news about meat” was that it wasn’t “news.” Let’s escalate that now: it wasn’t “about meat,” either.


The Economics Nobel: Who Might Have Won?

Next Monday the 51th Nobel prize in Economics will be awarded. Allen R. Sanderson and John J. Siegfried offer some perspective on the first 50 years of the economics award by providing some context with the other Nobel prizes in "The Nobel Prize in Economics Turns 50" (American Economist, 2019, 64:2, pp. 167–182). They offer background on the genesis of the prize, how its official name has evolved, academic backgrounds, and big ideas that spanned several awards.


How Many Senses Do We Have?

I know we all focus on the usual five senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling. I spend lots of my time in environments where trauma has occurred or is present: the location of shootings, natural disaster sites, immigrant support centers, an Indian Reservation, inner cities, military bases and military schools, organizations serving troubled youth, and educational institutions.

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