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6 years

The Rise of FinTech and Death of Traditional Banking

Traditionally, if you wanted to move money around, save cash, pay a bill, purchase something at a store, or otherwise have some sort of systemic access to your cash as you moved around – you needed a “bank”. In fact, you couldn’t do any of these things in the past without a bank. Despite the fact you might have opted to just use cash and stay ‘off the grid’, at some point to do a significant transaction you needed a ‘bank’.

6 years

Financial Planning Analysis vs Business Planning Analysis

Maybe it is the nerd in all of us, but one of the topics I witness financial planning and analysis (FP&A) professionals discussing with the most passion is whether their positions should be called FP&A – or would a better descriptor of their jobs be BP&A (business planning and analysis)? I can honestly say I’ve seen the discussion of this issue get quite heated (though still polite and civil). At roundtables that I have hosted, whether in New York, New Delhi, or New Zealand, this debate usually comes up.

6 years

A Fierce Mobile Wallet Battle

Over the next couple of years, paying with your phone will become as commonplace as paying with cash, which is why every man, his bank and his phone company are in the battle to win the mobile wallet space. So who’s going to win?

6 years

Generation M: The Emergence of See and Hear Brand Engagement

Baby Boomers and Gen-X have in common the need to experience life in all its glory. Whether that is born out of a sense of adventure, the need for tactile feedback or in the sense of face-to-face social connections, at the core of much of our buying behavior historically has been the need to “touch and feel” a product before a purchase. There’s a subtle shift in this behavior with Gen-Y and Gen-Z/Digital Natives (sometimes collectively called Generation-M or, as Time Magazine called them, the ‘multi-tasking’ generation) that is critical to understand if you are going to engage this community successfully moving forward, and it emphasizes why the physical store is under increased threat.

6 years

Social Media Is Just Getting Started

With 1.32 billion daily active users, Facebook is widely considered the most used social media platform. 79% of Americans use Facebook—the platform with the second closest usage percentage is Instagram, at 32%. Globally the number of smartphone users is expected to reach 2.5 billion in 2019 with 36 percent global penetration, but more significantly with most developed economies expecting 70-80 percent smartphone penetration within a couple of years. This has led to massive increases in social media use over mobile. WeChat, the Social Mobile Network powered by TenCent in China, had 963 million monthly active users in 2017.Over 3.5 billion snaps are sent everyday on Snapchat as of the third quarter of 2017. 

6 years

How Collaboration Leads To Excellence In The Planning Process

To a large extent, the success of an organization is determined by the degree of collaboration between the different departments across the enterprise. A collaborative business planning process synchronizes data from various sources from both within and outside the organization. The intent is to streamline the progression of turning data into information, information into knowledge, and knowledge into better-informed, smarter business decisions when it comes to planning, budgeting, and forecasting.

6 years

6 Things you Never Want to Hear Your Banker Say

Banking is changing forever. Organizations like Britannica, Blockbuster, Borders, and even Bank of America (hint: don’t start a business with ‘B’) all suffered from the same collective challenge. When your business is built around a specific distribution model, how can you adapt when that distribution model is no longer relevant?

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