More in Politics

2 years

Rotational Migration

The issue of migrating across international borders is to find better economic opportunities is entangled with the notion of becoming a permanent resident and then a citizen of the host country.

2 years

Brexit: EU Launches Legal Action Over UK's Northern Ireland Protocol Bill

The UK government claims that the Northern Ireland Protocol has disrupted trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

2 years

The UK's Rwanda Asylum Plan Will Discourage Illegal Immigrants

The UK government wants to discourage illegal immigrants from coming to the country. 

2 years

CAHOOTS in Denver: Experimenting with Alternatives to Police

A particular challenge for police is that they often end up as the first responders to all sorts of emergency calls, not just those related to an obvious crime.

2 years

Gun Control Judo: of Gun Rights, and the Right to Life

Those of us who have lamented the twisted, blighted, calamitous relationship between America and guns many times over the years doubtless all feel the same virulent admixture of impulses in this moment: the desperate need to say or do something, and the dread of futility. 

2 years

The Crucial Role of Blockchain in Politics

Several words can be used to describe blockchain-based systems—secure, transparent, decentralized, and fair.

2 years

UK Government Approves Chelsea Takeover Deal

The UK government has approved the £4.25bn takeover of Chelsea.

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