More in Global Economy

8 months

Learning Losses During the Pandemic: Reviewing the Evidence

Considerable evidence has been suggesting for some time now that children suffered learning loss from the K-12 during the pandemic.

8 months

The Remarkable Steadiness of US Economic Growth

It is remarkable but true that per capita US economic growth has hewed close to a trendline of 2% per year for the last 150 years.

8 months

Some Economics of Global Migration: WDR ’23

The World Development Report is one of the flagship annual reports for the World Bank: for 2023, the theme is “Migrants, Refugees, and Societies.”

8 months

As Survey Responses Drop, Where Can the Economic Data Come From?

Traditionally, the United States has relied on government surveys to gather essential data on employment, income, and other critical aspects of the economy.

8 months

Tragic Earthquake Strikes Morocco

Late Friday night, Morocco was struck by a rare and powerful earthquake.

8 months

Interview with Melissa Kearney: Two-Parent Privilege

David A. Price carries out an “Interview” with Melissa Kearney, subtitled “On the American fertility decline, the role of social norms, and the link between single-parent households and economic gaps” (Econ Focus: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Third Quarter 2023, pp. 16-20).

8 months

Remittances: They Just Keep Rising

"Remittances" involve earning money abroad and sending some back to one's home country.

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