More in Global Economy

5 months

South Korea's Demographic Challenge: Plummeting Birth Rates Pose Economic Threat

South Korea is grappling with a severe demographic challenge marked by the world's lowest birth rate, a situation that poses a significant economic threat to the country.

5 months

Record Global Debt: A Ticking Time Bomb for the World Economy

The relentless increase in global debt is an enormous problem for the economy.

5 months

Agenda 2030 is a Totalitarian Trojan Horse

Upon perusing the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals included in the well-known 2030 Agenda, one may conclude that they are all harmless and entirely reasonable goals.

5 months

Why Taxing Billionaires Won’t Reduce Taxes for the Middle Class

In a world of populist policies, the notion of taxing billionaires to alleviate the financial burdens of the middle class stands as a tempting narrative.

5 months

Bank of England Governor Cautions Against Interest Rate Cuts Despite 4% Inflation

In a recent statement, the Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, expressed optimism about the UK's inflation rate remaining at 4%, considering it as "encouraging."

5 months

The Looming Threat of Commercial Real Estate Distress and the Fed's Balancing Act

The latest inflation figures in the United States look relatively positive, with a slight decline in annualized inflation rates.

5 months

Four out of Five European Financial Services Leaders Are Embracing Generative AI

Financial services organisations are making significant investments in generative AI to enhance their digital transformation processes.

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