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6 years

5 Benefits of SEO for Small Businesses

Small Businesses are the backbone of a country’s economy, simply because they opens up doors for new opportunities and provide jobs. However, only a few small businesses among these businesses excel at what they do. Needless to say, businesses that excel use proper techniques of branding, social media promotion, website creation and most importantly, SEO. But why do we need SEO?

6 years

How to Create a Company Website

In today’s digital world it is important to have a website that can take your business to a whole new level. Without a website, it is difficult to earn profits and sustain a business in the long run.

6 years

Restate the Problem by Replacing Logic with Emotion

In business we are trained to be analytical. We respect data, targets, percentages, market shares and ratios. MBA students analyse case studies with detailed spreadsheets. We frame problems in terms of metrics and numbers. For example we might ask:

6 years

Body Language Aces Words in a Business Presentation

A few years ago, a group of rising-star executives gathered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to take part in a special competitive event. Each was to present a business plan to be evaluated by the entire group. The best ideas would then be recommended to a team of venture capitalists for final evaluation. Participants saw this as a great opportunity to see how their ideas compared to others in an elite peer group.

6 years

Remove the Cynics from your Team

Many managers make the mistake of thinking that their job is to create a happy cohesive team and a nice place to work. You don’t want happy people working for you – you want passionate people. 

6 years

12 Quotes to Inspire You to Leadership Success

One of the most impressive things about all great leaders is their obsession with learning new things about leadership in order improve their team. Luckily, some of the best leaders have left behind a few of their brightest lessons to help pass their wisdom forward. 

6 years

Body Language Tips to Increase Sales

In preparing for a presentation to your customers or clients, it’s important to focus on what you are going to say, to memorize crucial points, and to rehearse those key messages so that you come across as credible and convincing. This is, of course, something you already know. 

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