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5 years

7 Patient Care Applications of Augmented Reality

Healthcare is an industry where human life itself is at stake, and its effectiveness highly depends on how it uses advanced technologies like augmented reality. With the use of augmented reality for patient care, the healthcare industry can enhance safety and efficiency. Healthcare is among the first to embrace augmented reality.

5 years

How Artificial Intelligence is Improving Efficiency

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wonder of modern science that has made a lot of things possible that were unthinkable in the past. Now thanks to AI, many tasks can be done more quickly and more effectively. AI has increased the productivity of many industries. In this article, we will provide some examples of how artificial intelligence can be used to improve efficiency. 

5 years

What Materials and Components are Used in Artificial Satellites and Space Structures

In the world of satellites and space structures, the range of cubesats available has diversified considerably in recent years. 

5 years

Will Quantum Computing Kill Blockchain?

Blockchain has proved itself to be a very secure technology incorporating advanced security techniques for data protection. Its security, however, can be threatened by another advanced technology known as quantum computing. The quantum computing threat to blockchain poses a serious question to the integrity of the technology as it has the potential to disrupt the technology altogether.

5 years

Tokenized Securities Rise In The East

Are tokenized securities the silver bullet to liquidity, transaction speeds and increased access to investment opportunities?

5 years

Making Smart Cities Smarter with 5G

5G will act as the catalyst for the creation of ‘true’ smart cities. 5G and smart cities will become interdependent and even synonymous with each other in the near future.

5 years

So Much Data, So Little Time: Until Now

In a way, the exponential growth of machine-to-machine communications with connected sensors, or what is called the Internet of Things (IoT), has become an example of too much of a good thing.

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